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Azure Infrastructure - Microsoft Azure Migration and Adoption

Migrating to the cloud can be complex and needs to be carefully thought through. It is not just about improving scalability and security, but also about your total cost of ownership.

 The application migration and adoption strategy to Microsoft Azure starts with an assessment of the total cost of ownership (TCO) for Azure Cloud Services compared to running the applications from on-prem data centers. During this assessment, SoHo will help you define a lift and shift strategy to get you from on-prem to Azure. 

This migration and adoption strategy includes the following:

  • Rehost (on-prem applications to be rehosted in IaaS and moved without any code changes)
  • Refactor (involves repackaging of applications to make them cloud compliant)
  • Rearchitect (existing applications are converted to Azure Kubernetes to help meet scalability requirements of the code)
  • Rebuild (building new applications from scratch to have cloud responsive, innovative, and cutting-edge applications)
  • Cost optimization
  • Scalability
  • Enhanced security
  • Global teams facilitation
  • Database migration
  • Storage migration
  • Application migration
  • Cloud migration
  • Azure cloud management
  • Azure governance and compliance