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Synching Deal Data Across Applications – Anytime, Anywhere

Cloud + MS Teams and HubSpot + Construction


The construction company now has a solution that streamlines data flow between the office and mobile devices for sales, project management, and back office operations.



Practices Practice


Technology-2 Technology

MS Teams, HubSpot

Our-Role Our Role

Content integration

Project-Sucess Project Success HubSpot and MS Teams notes are syncing
Project duration Project Duration 5 weeks

Emerald Built Environments, a construction and sustainability management company, needed a way for all key employees to know the status of deals as they happened. The company already used HubSpot for customer relationship management (CRM), and it recorded and updated deal information in that solution. Emerald also used M365, including Teams, for internal operations and communications, as well as Microsoft SharePoint, to manage the company’s important documents.

What Emerald wanted was a way to see the status of any deal across all its solutions at any time leveraging its existing IT investments. In particular, the company wanted to share comments and notes about a deal across its applications to enable collaboration and work more efficiently. To accomplish this, Emerald engaged SoHo Dragon for a project with two requirements: the first was to synchronize HubSpot deal metadata with the company’s Teams solution and vice versa. The second requirement was to do the same with deal information in SharePoint. The overall goal was for deal data to synch reciprocally across all three solutions.

At the beginning of the engagement, SoHo Dragon scheduled a weekly customer meeting to share information with stakeholders at Emerald to make sure that customer concerns were heard.

The project started with synching the deal metadata in HubSpot to Teams, which included between 15 and 20 properties recorded in HubSpot for every deal. Synching the data would involve opening a new channel in Teams for each deal. The initial plan was to accomplish this by using a webhook – a call-back feature that “listens” for an event, such as the creation of a deal. But this feature would not work in HubSpot. Instead, SoHo Dragon wrote custom code that enabled the opening of a new channel in Teams for each deal.

Next, the developer tackled the second requirement – synching deal metadata from HubSpot with records in SharePoint. Luckily, there were no obstacles to making this happen. By the end of 5 weeks, well within the estimated timeframe, deal metadata was synched backward and forwards between HubSpot, Teams, and SharePoint. And stakeholders can now see the particular notes and comments that are added for each deal in all three applications.

Through this engagement, Emerald has achieved its goal of seeing up-to-date deal metadata across all the desired applications. This enables better collaboration among stakeholders wherever they are. Because HubSpot, Teams, and SharePoint have mobile capabilities, stakeholders can see deal status anywhere they are working in the office, home office, on-site on a project, or on the road on their mobile devices.

The solution also helps streamline the flow of information between front-end activities like sales, project management, and back-end activities such as finance and accounting.

Finally, this engagement has enhanced the value of Emerald’s current assets, as stakeholders are making better use of the company’s IT infrastructure.